Le Temps des Fêtes a Douarnenez

Every two years there is a great pilgrimage of hundreds of classic working boats from Brest to Douarnenez. This will start with a week of festivities in Brest from July 13th to the 19th when the entire flotilla passes around the Cape de la Chèvre and into the the bay of Douarnenez. The maritime festival Temps des Fête will take place from the 19th to the 24th of July.

This is a wonderful opportunity, whereas in Brest the city is much larger and the crowds are significant, in Douarnenez the sentiment is of a much more intimate and up close experience. You might end up in a bar or restaurant full of sailors from all over the world singing sea shanties or visiting the hold of a tall ship or a fishing lugger.

If you are looking for an authentic cultural experience that you won’t forget then this is an event not to miss.


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